Ghosts With Typewriters
Your Thoughts,
Our Words.
An Introduction
Welcome to Ghosts with Typewriters, a professional ghostwriting service, spearheaded by myself, Eric Bishara. At GWT, we’re dedicated to the practice of helping people communicate their ideas through the written word. As you’ll see below, there’s really no limit to the type of services that we offer, so if you have a project in mind that you need help with, feel free to contact us and we’ll try to help you out in any way that we can. However before you do that, you should probably scroll down to learn what we’re all about.
What We Do
Short-Term Projects
This option is for anyone looking to commission a small-scale project that can be accomplished over a short period of time (1-3 days). This type of work incorporates guest blogging, copywriting, writing blurbs, among other services.
Long-Term Projects
This option is for anyone looking to commission a large-scale project that can be accomplished over a long period of time. This type of work could take a few weeks, or a few months, and it incorporates scripts, books, memoirs, short stories, among other services.
Informal Projects
This option is for those looking to commission an anomalous project, whose duration can vary depending on the complexity of work, emotional stakes, etc. This type of work typically requires your active involvement during the initial stages, and it incorporates letters, marital vows, speeches, cards, gifts, etc.
Informal Project Examples:
- In terms of letters, I’ve written to other peoples’ friends, loved ones, ex-girlfriends. In terms of speeches, it could be for a wedding, an anniversary; or it could be for your staff, students. In terms of gift ideas, this really could be anything, but to give you an example, I was once tasked with compiling messages into a book format, which proved to be very time-consuming, and rather costly, but the reaction seems to have justified the expense.
'Converting Thoughts into Words'
In this day and age, there's no question that time is our most valuable commodity, but in many respects, time can also serve as our greatest enemy. When it comes to writing, the simple truth is that very few people have the time or the inclination to learn the craft, and for that reason, most people are forced to either bury their ideas, or they can choose to write something haphazardly, which rarely produces anything more than a shadow of what they originally intended. For most people, these unfettered ideas can be a great source of frustration, as they’re denying themselves their inherent right to self-expression. It is for those people that we created this service. If you decide to put us to work, you won’t have to bury your ideas, and you won’t have to waste your time, labouring over something that will leave you frustrated and disheartened. At Ghosts with Typewriters, it is our mission to produce content that not only exceeds your expectations, but also to make sure that everything we do is fully in line with your unique thoughts, ideas, and overall intentions.
With us, ghostwriting doesn't need to be a secret. Every project will be rooted in your ideas, so there’s no reason to feel like you’re taking credit for someone else’s work. Everything on that page is you. We just helped get it out.
What You'll Get
When a paragraph is reduced to a sentence, there's an indelible power given to those words, which is why 'less is more' is arguably the most important principle for a writer to grasp. However good writing isn’t just about depth, as it also requires varying rhythmic patterns, which is what allows brevity to pack its punch.
Writing is also about momentum. Knowing how to navigate the peaks and valleys of a written work is an essential tool of the professional. This remains true for every piece of writing. From love letters to mission statements, structure remains essential.
Although structure deals with the strategic placement of content, unity is what allows the whole to become greater than the sum of its parts. It is the act of binding ideas, so that they can come together to create something meaningful. Whether you're writing a book or a blurb, unity should always be a focus.
Although the contents of our toolbox can be similar to those of our competitors, what separates us is our voice. Words are nothing without the voice behind them, and here you'll get that in spades, leading to distinct works that are uniquely unconventional. Irrespective of your chosen topic, we'll find the hook.
Why it's Important
In the age of social media, people have been given unparalleled access to each other, and the irony is that in spite of all those new outlets, how we communicate has never been worse. Although technology certainly has its benefits, it’s also had some detrimental effects on the written language, as there’s been a well-documented decline in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The reasons for this are plentiful, but when you consider the fact that most of our communication occurs through social media, it’s not surprising to see informalities becoming the norm, with form falling by the wayside. From text speak (or the ‘deliberate use of misspelled words’ that are employed to save characters) to predictive text technology, there has been a generational shift towards lazy writing, and for that reason, miscommunication has become an all-too-common trend.
Although one piece of writing can always elicit varied reactions, a writer is still very much in control over how their work is received, and in many ways, it is their ability to exercise this control that makes the difference between writing something that effectively reaches the desired impact, versus something that does not.
One of the more liberating aspects of ghostwriting is the clarity that comes from seeing things from another’s perspective. Although in some instances we might know exactly what we want to say, for most people, communicating something important can be very difficult, as our personal thoughts, feelings, and biases tend to cloud our judgment.
When you put yourself in another person’s shoes, it can be very easy to find the truth of what needs to be communicated, which can make all the difference when it comes to writing. In the best-cases, objectivity can lead to revelations that were completely lost on you, and in other cases, it can simply lead to a piece of writing that’s clearly focused around its most inextricable ideas.
"After all, the ultimate goal of all research is not objectivity, but truth."Helene Deutsch
What Separates Us
Our History
Through those experiences, I began to see the impact an idea could have when properly communicated, and I also learned just how consequential misunderstandings could be. From then on, it became a personal mission of mine to help people communicate their ideas, and as I began to see the demand for this type of work, this website naturally evolved from that. Although there’s no denying that time costs money, it’s certainly not the only reason we do this.
Our Pillars
Our Process
Furthermore, by breaking down the work into payable steps, you will have the ability to exercise a no-risk option that allows you opt out at any point in time, keeping everything that’s been done up to that point. This ensures that the price will never go beyond what’s expected, and also that the work will never stray off course. With us, you are not simply paying for the time, you are paying for the process, and the safety and assurance that the process will provide.
That’s what makes us different.
Our Methodology
Additional Information
How Much it Costs
An Introduction to Pricing
Navigating the Tabs
To get a good grasp of the way our pricing works, simply click through the tabs on the left side of the screen. With the ‘pricing overview’, you’ll get an explanation of how variable pricing works, and also why fixed pricing does not. Then with the ‘payment structure’, you’ll receive details on why it’s best to pay in instalments. With the ‘payment method’, you’ll receive an overview of how email payments work with Paypal. Then finally with the ‘rough numbers’, you’ll receive some standard ghostwriting rates, which will just give you an idea of some actual figures.
How it works
1 Start by sending an email with a breakdown of what you're looking for. Within forty-eight hours, you'll receive a response that contains a rough estimate of how long it will take, along with some pricing options. From there, you can decide if you'd like to sign the contract, which contains a base fee that varies based on the type of project.
2 Once the initial payment goes through, you will receive a detailed outline of the entire project, which explains how your ideas will be organized, what research needs to be done, as well as some other preliminary details. Then if you agree with the direction, you would then pay the second instalment, allowing us to move on to step 3.
3 Step three is where we go to work, so it's time to put your feet up, and wait for that satisfyingly unprompted new email, whose subject line appropriately indicates that 'We're Done!'
Another satisfied customer.
Contact Me
Email Me
If you'd like to discuss a ghostwriting project, you can reach me at this email:
We look forward to hearing from you!